Taken: 31.8.2024

Okay so I'm back at INTP. Last time I took this test I was INFP, but same as this time, the thinking vs. feeling was very much in the middle.

Yeah this one is pretty straightfoward. I'm very introverted. Which just means I recharge energy when I'm alone, it doesn't mean I dislike being social or anything like that. And I even think that I've gotten more social in the past few years which is pretty good.

Yeah I mean I have a philosophy degree so this makes sense hahah

Here's the real kicker. I always straddle the line between thinking and feeling. I rely on rational thinking a lot, that also goes hand in hand with my interests in philosophy. And I also sometimes have difficulties in interpersonal interactions when I express myself in a way that doesn't consider someone's feelings, so I might come off as rude, which is something I'm working on.

On the other hand I can get pretty emotional sometimes and some of my beliefs, like my faith, also stem more from an intuitive feeling than just cold hard logic. So I'm in the middle.

This one's interesting because I used to be way more on the prospecting side and now I'm in the middle. Which means I have become more rigid, sticking to plans and not deviating from the course as much. Honestly I think this is just an expression of anxiety, because I get anxious a lot when something doesn't go as I envision it. But I'm generally not the type of person that plans out everything, makes a lot of neat lists, things like that. I generally like to keep my options open.

Yup, here's the anxiety I was talking about. I'm a very stress sensitive person.